Wednesday, February 5, 2025

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·     As Christians we often take for granted the advantages of having a God. And I’m not referring to our relationships with Him. We take Him for granted in our everyday lives when we deal with those around us, from family to friends and even strangers on the street.
We often forget that God’s law extends much further than the lives of Christians. And even atheists, who reject God, would feel the impact of a Godless world. A world without God is a scary one to comprehend. In fact, it’s just an impossible scenario. Have you ever imagined a world without God? It would look something like this:
  •  There would be no moral law. God’s commandments determine right from wrong. That’s where right and wrong come from. Without a God, who would set the standards? Who would determine what is morally right from what is morally wrong? Look at the world we live in now. Some people choose to reject God’s law, and we see how it negatively affects society. We see this in unrest around the world. We see this in personal afflictions, sexual immorality, abusive relationships, lying, cheating, killing and so many other sinful deeds, big and small. And all while God’s law presides in our justice system. Now imagine how much worse it would be if it didn’t exist. God’s commandments are the foundation of society’s laws, so without them, there would be no universal standards to follow. People would establish their own standards, and since we are all so very different from each other, our standards would likely be very different, thus causing friction and eventually chaos. Who’s to judge right and wrong? Would right and wrong even exist in a world without God?
  • No one would be held accountable. Without God’s moral law, no one would be held accountable to consistent laws. The inconsistent standards as mentioned in my first point would result in inconsistent accountability, and in some instances none at all. It would be a survival-of-the-fittest scenario that would take advantage of the weakest. While the weakest would be oppressed, the strongest would behave any way they wanted to, because without a God, who’s going to hold them accountable?
  • There would be no meaning to our lives. What would the point of our lives be if there was no God? We could go on doing what we do, but for what? Working to what end? Loving, giving, sharing and helping—for whom, when in the end, we just die? God calls for us to follow His commandments, and in doing so, we will share joy in heaven with Him. But without the commandments, without having Jesus to emulate, without the Word, what is the meaning of our lives? If we’re not living to glorify Him in our words, actions and deeds, then what are we left to do? What are our successes for? Why would we care if we always failed? Nothing matters, we’re all going to die. Additionally, if there was no meaning and no commandments to follow, wouldn’t we just resort to self-fulfillment? People would live for themselves and would do anything and everything to get what they wanted, without regard for others. Imagine a world like that!
  • There would be no hope. Without God, there would be no faith. There would be no prayer. There would be no miracles. And in moments of sadness, loss and darkness, we would be helpless. We would have no option to reach out to God, who heals the sick, strengthens the weak and provides a light in our darkest hours. There would be no one to call out to who could fix what is impossible for us to fix. Without prayer, faith and miracles, there is no hope for a bright future.
  • There would be nothing to look forward to. What is the purpose of our existence if we just died at the end of our physical life? Our existence would be nothing more than that of an ant. If there was no God, then there would be no joy in heaven to look forward to, no eternal life. Just…nothing. Wow! I can’t even imagine that. And worse, if there isn’t anything to look forward to, would we all resort to searching for joy here on earth? And joy is subjective to human beings. Would we again focus on self-gratification?

“Without God all things are permitted.” —Fyodor Dostoyevsky, philosopher

When I think about a world without God, my heart sinks. What a dark and sad and uninspiring thought! Because a world without God is a pointless one. It holds no hope and is filled with selfishness.

But when I’m reminded of the Almighty, a light shines and joy fills my heart. He is here, He is my King…our King. He holds me accountable, keeps me moral, puts meaning into my life, gives me hope every day and gives me something to look forward to when I finally pass from this world into His.

Remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. (Ephesians 2:12).


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