Here’s something every music minister has to be aware and conscious of. Truth is, most of us, as music ministers, leaders and workers in God’s House tend to get carried away in offering our service to God that we start getting it twisted. FLOROCKA took his official Facebook page to share some pointers on how not to get it twisted. View after the cut.
Music Ministers:
# Goosebumps are not a certification of God’s presence or a move of the Holy Spirit. Well crafted melodies possess the same capacity. Don’t get it twisted.
# So some individuals approach you at the end of service to speak of how they were affected when you led worship or praise. You go home feeling fly because of what you heard, but not once have you gone back to God to ask how He perceived your worship. Be weary of such accolades. They have the tendencies of speaking what God never thought.
We are in the last days. Let your love for God remain undiluted. Keep the quest for fame far from your thoughts. You’ve been employed by the greatest and most famous entity ever known to mankind. Let that be enough.
Connect – @FLOROCKA