The Overdose Concert with TB1 is the first ever live concert featuring the amazing TB1 signed to Big Nations label. The proposed event is billed to take place at the prestigious Chariot Hotel, situated in the heart of Buea, Cameroon.
The theme of the event is centered on the Bible scripture – Ephesians 5:18 which says “and be not drunk in wine, wherein in excess; but be filled (overdosed) with the spirit”.
Last year the Believers’ Loveworld Nation superstar dropped ‘Overdose’ album which garnered so much airplay home and abroad; various testimonies abound across the globe which inspired the Overdose concert.
The concert which will be featuring the Man with the Golden voice – Chris Shalom alongside other amazing Gospel music artistes intends to grow into a culture/legacy over the coming years.
Speaking on the concert, TB1 shared ~
”We chose the city of Buea because of the large fan base and opportunities that the brand has in the city.”
The ‘Overdose’ concert with TB1 is sponsored by Eagles Wings Production.
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